5 Member Tips

There are a a few important skills that new members should know in order to become an active member of our community. We have divided these skills into the following four articles:

5.1 Three Ways to Participate in Our Community Network

5.2 First Steps for New Member

5.3 How to Create your Profile Image

5.4 How to Create a Provider Profile Page

5.4 How to Create a Provider Profile Page

All of our Provider lists have a link called VIEW on the right side of each row. The button called VIEW leads to a Details page which is also called a Profile Page. In this article, we will explain how to create your own Provider Profile Page.


Clicking on any VIEW link will go to the Provider Profile page for that particular Provider where you can find out more about the Provider and the Service or Job they are offering. We have set the elements so that the only elements that show on the Provider Profile Page are the Provider Name and Email Address:


If you log in as a Provider (either a Service Provider or a Job Provider), and then click on the Provider List you will see a link called EDIT next to the VIEW link.


You can click on the EDIT link to edit your Provider Profile Page.

5.3 How to Create Your Provider Image

When you fill out your Service or Job Provider form, you can upload your own custom Provider image. In this article, we will review how to create a custom Provider image.

Step 1: Pick out an image that is wider than it is tall
Pick out an image that is about one and a half times as wide as it is tall. Our goal is to create an image that is 300 pixels wide, 185 pixels high and with a file size under 100 KB. Here is an example of such an image:


Step 2: Download and install LibreOffice
LibreOffice is a free program that is much more secure than Microsoft Office. Versions are available for Windows, Apple and Linux. To download it, go to this link: https://www.libreoffice.org/download/download/

Then click Download to download it to your computer. Then click on the program to install it. Click on it to open a new Libre Writer document.

Step 3 Use Libre Writer to Compress and Save your image
Copy paste your profile image into a Libre Writer document. Then right click on the image and click Compress.


Change the resolution to 150 dpi. Then click OK. Then right click on the image again and click Save to save the image to your file manager. The image file name should be lower case with no spaces.

5.2 First Steps for New Members

Welcome to Our Community Network! This article is a summary of tips for first time users of Our Community Network. It includes tips on how to register to become a member of Our Community Network and how to make connections with other members of our community.

When you first visit our website, you will see a Main Menu at the top of our Home page. It includes is a series of articles and links with information we want to share with the public and all of our members. There is also a link to a Service Provider page where you can learn about services offered by our members. This table offers a Search function where you can search the group by either location and service provider categories.


You can also sign up for our newsletter and receive periodic emails about what is happening on issues important to our group.

5.1 Three Ways to Participate in Our Community Network

One of our goals of our community network is to help our local community rebuild our economy from the ground up. We do this by providing 3 different ways to participate in our community network.

The first way is by signing up to be a Member
All Members have access to coming events, newsletter articles and the ability to write their own articles and host their own events. to share with other members of the group.

The second way is by signing up to be a Service Provider
Historically, service providers were called Employees. However, we are using this term to describe anyone who wants to provide a service or product to another person or be hired by another person. Examples of Service Providers include plumbers, teachers, financial planners, landscapers, wellness coaches, singers, etc.

The third way is by signing up to be a Job Provider.
Historically, job providers were called Employers. However, we are using this term to describe anyone who wants to hire another person to provide a service for them. Job providers can include homeowners looking to hire a landscaper or plumber – or a parent looking to hire a teacher or mentor.

What is the difference between a Service Provider and a Job Provider?


You can sign up for more than one group. However, you will need to fill out a personal member form and then fill out a form for each new provider you sign up for.